"Do you know why I've called you into the office?"

I’ve gotten the “do you know why I’ve called you here” by a condescending as FUCK owner of Jets Pizza I worked at. (Note that I was being paid $11/hour) I said, and I quote, “I’ve been doing my job, my job is to answer the phone do dishes, complete the cleaning list and serve front desk, so I have no idea” “well you’ve been on your phone and if that’s going to be an ongoing thing you’re going to go ahead and put it in the safe. I don’t pay you to sit on your phone.” so let me get this straight, you pay me $11 an hour, cut my hours to 27 for the last 2 weeks when I have rent due soon, I’ve been doing my job flawlessly and everything is done, I’ve been texting my suicidal brother by the way, I’ll be applying to other jobs and you won’t be taking my phone” I walked to get my bag, told my favorite coworker that this is my last shift and I’ll Help close so he can get my number and that’s what I did

/r/antiwork Thread