I've gotten rid of my facebook...there's nothing really left to tie me to this world.

This Facebook rant just reminded me of an incident I had today. My ex GF from years ago that would keep in contact usually when she was fighting with her friends or SO (I was an emotional tampon) and as soon as things were good again with her I wouldn't hear from her for months until the next argument or drama that came up in her life.

This is all fine and dandy, it was my choice to talk to her and validate her during her tough times but I had nobody to talk to after my moms Yorkie died and I was really torn up about it.

This ex GF knew the dog and I called her just to talk to somebody about it and after I told her about "Emily" (our Yorkie) she was like "oh, um, hey.... A lot of people are around, I'm at my friends party rite now and everybody's trying to talk to me... I'll call you back really soon"

Never heard back from her for 5 months. And that was because she wanted to bitch about her BF's family to me.

Anyway, I'm getting to the point, sorry for rambling.

I don't have a FB but my parents do and I occasionally check stuff out but this same girl (my Ex I'm ranting about) is all about Facebook and posts stuff about how caring her friends are and all her friends shower her with compliments, love and attention on FB comments (real life is a different story) and she busts her ass giving all her "friends" money, rides, packs of cigs and pays all their bar tabs when they go out.

Now today she out of the blue called me and wanted $40, after buttering me up of course. She got a job as a manager and with a one day notice the company booked a nice hotel for her for 10 days to stay at while she went through her training. The hotel and training was 4 hours away from where she lived and it was her job to get there and then be reimbursed entirely after completing the training.

I live an hour and a half away and was like "what about all your shitloads of Facebook friends that act like they'd do anything for you at the drop of a hat?? And what about your best friends you blow me off for in order to party with them without being interrupted. If I were you I would ask them??"

You could tell reality was sinking in while she explained that she tried contacting everybody she could think of and nobody would loan her $30 or $40 for 3 days. She even has 2 or 3 friends that she babysits their kids for absolutely free all the time, not even they would help her find gas money in order to get to her training seminar. She said everybody acted like she was bothering them so she gave up. I guess this is when I came into the picture.

I was going to do it but after thinking I was like "she disappears for months on end and acts like she can never come visit or talk on the phone (if it doesn't benefit her) but the second she needs money she can whip up a ride to come get money it in 10 minutes flat?!" (I live an hour and a half away from her)

My dad just looked at me and says "you're smarter than that, she's a fair whether friend. Just look back at all the times she's called or visited. This is another one of those times".

Rant over.

/r/depression Thread