I've had a growing fascination with individuality lately. I love hearing about the experiences, memories, and passions that people hold dear! Please tell me the about something you're passionate about, or a memory you want to share!

I don't really have any skills. But as far as new hobbies I've mostly just been watching movies since the pandemic. I like watching movies a lot. I like analyzing what certain movies could mean and reflecting on how they made me feel. I think it's interesting to see who wrote or directed a movie so i can begin to recognize idiosyncrasies of different people and how they shine through on works where they're not necessarily the star. I like seeing the web of interconnectedness of everyone in movies. Some serious 6 degrees of nepotism going on in hollywood. Everyone who's anyone is someones nephew or cousin.

I like crying to movies, it's like using music to dance, sometimes I just need a little backing sound to really feel something. A good movie can better than a friendly ear. I like world building i think it's magical that everyday I can step into a new story and experience a new place, person or feeling just because someone had an idea, and they wrote it down and someone liked what they wrote enough to make it tangible enough to share. The whole process of making a movie is such a beautiful thing, that all these people of different skill sets collaborate on one piece of art to share, and sometimes it works in perfect conjuction and you can just feel that everyone was on the same page and shared in the creation of a singular vision made possible by the many. It's communal or like an orchestra not just for sound.

I don't really know what else to say I love movies, I live for them. I think they make my life better everyday and I'm so glad that they exist, they make me happy.

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