I've hit rock bottom and I need help.

This may not be very relevant to your case, and I apologize in advance if what follows appears to be insensitive or even counterintuitive.

You need to let go of the controls. Do not be restricted by a set of principles or a rigid notion of morality. Good is what gets your to your goals and bad everything that doesn't. If a thought pops up into your head, pursue it, without feeling guilty. Next, consider whether the act brought you lasting tranquillity or instant gratification at the cost of long term goals. What your goals are can be defined only by yourself. If you wish be a drunken unemployment unproductive son/daughter/brother/father, please, by all means, have you drink, and then some more. If not, then just do not. There should be no struggle changing most behaviors once their underlying beliefs have been reframed.

Your mind and your thoughts are not your enemies (assuming an otherwise healthy mental state), nor are they your friends. They just are.

/r/india Thread