I've just shared my Katakana practice Anki deck with 10 000 most common katakana words sorted by frequency

Doesn't matter.

By the time you're an adult well into your career, you're bound to have a firm grasp on a wide-ranging palette of vocabulary. From hanging out at a bar to briefing a CTO, or from drafting a casual email to reading legal documents, terms of a loan, whatever. It's exceedingly rare that I have to go look a word up, or feel like I'm struggling to think of a word with just the right nuance and level of formality for any given situation. I can't think of the last time I've been in either situation.

Are there obscure or very specific words in other technical fields that I don't know at a glance? Of course, nobody is going to have 100% mastery of the entire English lexicon. If someone put the word "hypertrichosis" in front of me I wouldn't have known what it was.

But seeing words that you effectively will never have an opportunity to use, is not improving your vocabulary. It's not a value-added exercise. Better things you can be doing with your time.

/r/LearnJapanese Thread Parent Link - ankiweb.net