I've just watched a documentary about AIDS among gay men in the 80s and I don't know what to do with myself.

I'd posit the the right attitude towards anyone who's struggling with difficulty of any sort is compassion.

Of course, but there's a qualitative difference here. AIDS ran rampant and those who could help turned a blind eye if they weren't actively goading for death. Gay men existed within a vastly more hostile society.

The world has closed down because of Covid-19 and cancer is making leaps in research and treatment (obviously my heart goes out to anyone struggling with either). In the West at least, gays aren't being refused access to services to help them with those illnesses. A person who thinks that gays aren't more included now is delusional.

So, unless, as I suspect, your point is to moralise and feel good about yourself, I really don't see what your point is.

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