I've never been dumped until yesterday. R/askwomen, what is the funniest story you've got?

Whenever my friends are feeling blue, they enjoy hearing stories from film school… here's the start to my new semester… I have plenty more stories if they help make you laugh.

Alright, so I'm in film school and my final semester of screen writing just started so I roll up thinkin' I'm all cool. So I walk up to the door and the worst thing possible can happen happened. So I turn to face my new, all male classmates; now you've got to be a bit off if you're in film school, but these guys take it to a new level.](http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mafkrvPH0W1rq4xsa.gif)

A freshman I've never seen before looks at me and says So, are there lots of pretty girls in the screenwriting program? and I just smile politely and pull out my phone and answer no… all while secretly feeling this. The brave freshman walks over and out of no where a guy wearing this shirt rolls up. And all I can think to myself is wow. Finally, my professor rolls up to class and opens the door.

I take my seat away from the weirdos and find my group of friends. We're handed a copy of the script for the pilot episode of "The Walking Dead" and we watch the first three minutes of it in class. My professor calls on a random student who is having wayyy too hard of a time reading a couple lines of dialogue. So, my professor asks us if something jumped out at us after having seen the clip and reading the script, he calls on me, but I wasn't paying attention. Don't worry, Satan is my Homie's got my back. "The trucks in the back make the shape of a pentagram… the dark lord walks this earth." My professor and I share a mutual look of…

I left that class sure of only one thing that night.

/r/AskWomen Thread