I've retired thanks to crypto, but there's something very few people think about or tell you: boredom hits hard

Yes it gets boring.

I would be more on the leaner side of retiring, but I am still in my 20s - made $1m in 2017 a few years after college.

A lot of friends/possible dates think I am very lazy or think I am being stupid for not having a regular job. None of them have asked me for money.

Every time in the last few years I thought "it would be nice to make more money", by far the most profitable method of doing so involved researching crypto, making some trades, or just buying something to HODL. But very few people want to hear me talking about trading all the time.

This year I wrote a book about trading crypto and am trying to start a crypto hedge fund. This should keep me busy once it is up and running!

I try to start a bunch of hobbies, and meet other people. The hobbies are nice but I cannot relate to most people, at all.

From the outside i appear more like a bum or a hobo, or maybe some trust fund kid with no ambition. I was smart in school but lacked social skills to get a good job. Trading crypto blew past all salary expectations, and while a stigmatized career, nothing else would be as profitable for me than this. So I keep doing it.

Ideally I will find a SO who wants to travel the world with me, start a family later, etc. But I have very little direction in life when I cannot relate to anyone.

/r/CryptoCurrency Thread