I've seen racist comments about the Arab owner of the corner store where the cops murdered George Floyd. The true story is in this 2min clip from the local news station. P.S. First video post ever. Please be kind

Agreed, the store didn't do anything wrong. The police were murderers, not the store owners. This isn't even them using racial power to intimidate them. Some people, especially white people, will use calling the police as a threat because they know that the police will automatically assume that the Black people are guilty. But this is not what happened in this situation. Like the store owner said, the police frequently get calls for counterfeit bills and they don't even know that it's a counterfeit. The police though, since this time he was Black, automatically assumed wrongdoing and used that as an illegitimate excuse to straight up murder him. However, I disagree that this was required to do. It may have been store policy to call the police on fake bills, but it's not illegal to not call police on fake bills. My dad would just test the bills in front of customers and if it was fake he'd tell them and they'd have to give him different money. No one was ever called unless they got aggressive or refused to cooperate.

/r/arabs Thread Parent Link - youtu.be