I've seen the whining about "toxicity" dozens of times across dozens of fandoms. Here's a reality check.

You haven't done any of that and I made it pretty clear with that quoted comment. I don't think it gets much more stereotypically insecure than implying someone must be a kid. Which in this case would be pretty embarrassing for you, kids shouldn't be walking laps around adults when it comes to media critique. You understand that things like plot, dialogue, acting, etc can be measurably bad right? If you're going to talk about childish behavior just look in a mirror. Being told that the content you like is sub-par has you throwing a fit into the next day about how there's no such thing as bad content because all that matters is that you like it and no one can tell you that the stuff you like is bad because you like it so therefore its good.

You've been whining about projection and irony and this whole time have been doing nothing but ironic projection. Your best bet is to pivot into pseudo-philosophical babble about how the human experience is entirely subjective and so therefore things like good and bad are subjective as well and blah blah blah blah blah. I assume you think that infinity war and minions were at the same level of quality? No? What the hell are you some sort of elitist? Just because you didn't like minions doesn't mean it's worse than infinity war. I think minions and infinity war were equally good. There's no way to tell their quality apart :>

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