I've started treating my mom exactly how she treats me and it feels so liberating

Kinda like my parents. My entire life they brushed off my issues by saying "Sounds like a personal problem..." Sickness, injury, mental issues, THAT was always their stance.

Few years back my mom and I were arguing over the phone and she spat out how she didnt like me and didn't appreciate me basically telling them to eat glass anytime they (parents) started their shit. They were very used to bullying me and me just taking it like a bitch but I was growing in ways they didn't know about by going to therapy and taking meds. My whole demeanor went from "Why me?" to "Fuck them!" This was my chance! Waited years to pull it off & I managed.

"Odd. I mean, you're literally dealing with someone you made & raised so I am simply a product of YOU...and you dont like that? Sounds like a personal problem to me..."

Gotdamn, the silence was deafening!

Me: "Ya there? laughing You trying to find a comeback or am I just that good at turning the tables? Nothing? Ok, well I guess we're done talking." hangs up

I've had two kids, bought a house and multiple cars but the joy from that kind of shit pales in comparison to the glorious feeling I felt that day. Nothing.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread