Ivern to weak ?

When Ivern takes the jungler spot, meaning either you have Alistar support or not many bruisers are gonna make good use of your Q, he feels lackluster.

However, I've played him support today, and we had Garen top and Vi jungle. In those situations, it's absolutely hilarious how a single spell makes a flurry of beyblade spinning and punches destroy the poor victim.

Strategy: Coin as starting item (you don't poke enough and you're ranged with shit attack damage for minion lasthitting so that leaves one reliable option). Max E then Q, but get W at level 2, reason being you need to start setting up bushes and confusing the opponent before level 3. Make paths with bushes for your jungler to come gank, it has amazing range so you can fake by placing it anywhere they could expect a jungler to pop out of. Gank comes, hit Q, massive engage. Bushes can also make Cait headshot at double the rate, set up Rengo like a god, hide your ADC for quick on and off trades.

Git 40% CDR anyway you can, I personally like to buy the upgraded coin along with Ruby Sightstone to activate gotta go fast mode more often, then tankiness to be as annoying as you can.

Advanced strategy: play Morde botlane. Seriously, give Morde a dash to an ADC and watch it blow up in seconds.

Cons: you're a one trick root pony. Play it along with a dominant adc because if you go vs Caitlyn/Nami being something like Vayne/Ivern you're gonna have a hard time.

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