IWTL How to not be boring and have conversations 1 on 1 with people.

This is my four pronged approach.

    1. Unload all of your problems onto the other person. People LOVE this. Especially if you're depressed - talk about it CONSTANTLY. Even when it doesn't fit into the flow of the conversation. For example, you're talking about the weather. Mention how much you ahte the weather at the moment and wish you could move to another country, but can't. Really emphasize the fact that you can't. If the other person tries to change the conversation, bring it back in. Remember, it's YOU that they want to hear about. That's why they're having a conversation.
    1. NEVER listen to the other person. As soon as they start talking, just zone out. I find I can do this best if I make a low humming noise and squint my eyes. Then, when they stop talking, CHANGE THE CONVERSATION IMMEDIATELY. People love this, it's challenging for them. If there's one thing I've learnt in life it's that people LOVE a challenging conversation.
    1. If you do happen to listen to them talking, make sure to tell them about a similar experience as soon as you can. Don't wait for a pause, just speak over them! People love dominant conversationalists. If you don't have any relevant experience, tell a story about a friend, or even a friend's friend. Remember, people are having a conversation TO FIND OUT ABOUT YOU. That's the only reason people engage in conversations. So tell them about your brother's experience in Asia, or the episode of Bangkok Airport that's sort of similar to what they were saying.
    1. The final rule. NEVER BREAK EYE CONTACT. NEVER. Stare them in there eyes and try not to blink. If they start to look uncomfortable, you're doing it right. One of the classic conversation signals is that when people look uncomfortable, they are enjoying the conversation.

If you master these four skills, you will be a successful conversationalist.

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