IWTL how to organize efficiently

Not knowing the exact problem you are experiencing makes this a little difficult, but there are some general suggestions that might help. First thing, you want to tackle this problem one closet, or one dresser, or one area at a time. It will keep you from getting too discouraged, from thinking the job is too big. Let's say you pick your hall closet for an example. What you will want to do is to sort through everything in that space and make a decision about every object in that closet. The questions you will be asking yourself are do I want to keep it? Throw it? Sell it? Or donate it.

It will be easier to do this if you take everything out of the closet first. Sweep it while you have the chance. Get some bags for the trash, and two boxes, one for sell and one for donate. Put the things back in that you want to keep.

Two more principles of organizing are to put "like with like." And things should have a "home." For example any other outdoor coat you find in the house from now on should go in the closet with the others. This means never having to wonder where your coat is. You know right where to find it. You can do this with everything in your house. Everything will eventually be in its place. Let's say you keep your vacuum cleaner in that same closet. When you finish your vacuuming, you will want to return it to its home. Don't push it in a corner or leave it out. Put it away. Let's say you keep your suitcases in that same closet on the shelf. You will want to put all your suitcases in there and after you use one, you put it back on the shelf. Let's say you want to do your garage next. Start with one area. Empty it and make those decisions. Put things back on the shelves that you want to keep remembering to keep like with like. All the wrenches together. All the screwdrivers. All the painting tools together. Find a logical home for each group of things. Maybe in a box marked paint on a shelf, or in a drawer all together. When you come across another screwdriver, you will know where to put it so you can find it again.

This is a rough draft of how to start. I hope it helps.

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