[J] [EHS] Electromagnetic hypersensitivity - an increasing challenge to the medical profession.

I cited last night's post in /r/topmindsofreddit that was deleted. You disinformed it had not been deleted. Look at the word 'deleted' under the title:


You spin by accusing me of deleting posts and comments. You do not substantiate your accusation.

You deny downvoting, bullying and discrediting by your subscribers of /r/electromagnetics and its mods in other subs is not brigading. It is.

You deny your subscribers and yourself do not cyberstalk /r/electromagnetics two mods, bully and disinform by spinning:

"One thing to consider is that some of your behavior on reddit has become known and particularly unpopular - your retroactive editting of comments, your multiposting across different reddits, and your constant posting of links back to your own sub are all behaviors that are generally frowned upon in the culture of reddit."

Whereas, my 'behavior' was not known in other subs. Your subscribers and yourself infiltrate other subs to complain of my 'behavior.' The majority of the comments in the other subs are made by your subscribers including yourself infiltrating the subs. I do not violate reddit's rules and reddiquette. If you want new rules, ask the admins to revise the rules.

Reddit offers the feature of editing posts and comments. Downvoting of my comments is not due to my editing them. My posts and comments are immediately downvoted to zero and remain zero regardless whether I subsequently edit them.

I crosspost a tiny percentage of the hundeds of posts I submit. Reddit allows crossposting.

I link to papers in /r/electromagnetics. Reddit allows linking to a post or a wiki. These behaviors are not "generally frowned upon in the culture of reddit." If they were, they would be in redddiquette and as rules in the sidebar of hundreds of thousands of subreddits. Your sub does not like my crossposting and linking to papers because your sub censors.

Instead of addressing your subscribers and your improper behavior over the course of the past half year, you blame your victim. /r/topmindsofreddit needs to stop censoring /r/electromagnetics or I will complain to the admins again.

/r/Electromagnetics Thread Parent Link - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov