'Jack Dorsey's First Tweet' NFT Went on Sale for $48M. It Ended With a Top Bid of Just $280

The concept of NFTs is pretty cool because of its utilities and various application that allow for far greater unity in societal collective ownership and proof of stake. The creators of NFTs concept itself are disappointed in how citizens are using the concept but they opened it so they have little control. The creator of ETHEREUM crypto Currency made ETHEREUM to compete against BITCOIN but not really. He is super disappointed in how people are using his creativity an I quote him " I did not create ETHEREUM so that pictures of Apes can sell for 500K per digitized NFT. He say to basically have created ETHEREUM to allow for citizens to unite and using this super safe Blockchain protected, ETHEREUM crypto run, smart contracts added for the most significant societal empowerment ever created....instead they are selling ape picture "

To put what the creator of ETHEREUM was implying into context when he took a jab at the bored ape NFT collection is this. There are a total of 10,000 original of these ape NFTs and some sell for 500K but if they all sell for 100K each then 10,000 NFTs x average price 100k = 1 BILLION DOLLARS and now basically the tiny group selling these ape Nfts will host private parties, tge 10,000 people who own the NFTs will meet " Private " in some group owners chat and a few more benefits from the bored ape people. The owner of ETHEREUM wants society to basically use the technology of ETHEREUM, Blockchain, smart contracts and now WE THE PEOPLE would have the tools needed for collective ownership of companies, land or anything and the records would be protected as a digital NFT on the Blockchain......he envisions we someday can use this to do more Philanthropic activities.....instead of you know, as the creatorof ETHEREUM crypto Currencysaid ..... " lets be a part of true societal change by the means of unity and collective ownership and more possibilities......instead of buying a picture of an Apes"

/r/technews Thread Link - coindesk.com