Jagex is adding VLS *without a poll* and it's nowhere on the front page. It was stickied earlier and only got to +30. What the heck???

I have over 4k kills as well, and I do not think the VLS should exist in game in its current state, its simply too powerful and would outcompete other melee weapons making them pointless (ags, elder maul, whip, claws).

Also bypassing the polling system is a complete no-no. I want pvp updates as much as other pkers, but this is not the way. If they are worried about spite voting they could restrict the poll to people who would interact with this content. Like people with 100+ kills in the wilderness for example, or people who have interacted with wilderness content X amount of times the last month. Or anyone who did not vote "I dont like PvP" in that opinion poll.

But clearly Jagex knows this and DGAF, just wanting to push this through even though clearly Pkers and Pvmers alike in the wilderness are opposed to this.

/r/2007scape Thread Parent Link - secure.runescape.com