Jagmeet Singh vows to help Horwath topple Wynne

What was so bad about Rae's government? I'm too young to remember, but I haven't read anything about his time in office that strikes me as all that bad. Through no fault of his government, he had to deal with a recession, and made some tough choices. I haven't come across anything in his record that compares to the waste I've seen from the Liberals.

According to the Auditor General, they just added an extra $5 billion in interest just so they could say they didn't run a deficit (not even counting the debt itself). Before that it was selling a long-term asset (Hydro One) to get a short-term injection of cash. Before that it was cancelling gas plants to win a couple of ridings.

The most maligned part of the Rae era seems to be the "Rae Days". To me, they didn't even seem that bad. He decided everyone in the public sector should take a few days less work every year rather than lay anyone off. It was a defensible policy, unlike the OLP's decision to waste $4 billion in extra interest payments just so they can say they don't have a deficit.

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