James Alex has ended Beach Slang

Fair points.

It’s interesting though, right. I’m getting a bit off topic from this particular example here (which has genuine mental illness as a massive mitigating factor) and into generalities but to paraphrase your point about creating a purity test that nobody can pass, maybe we need to be a bit more realistic in our expectations of people. If we have friends that we know that have behaved in a similar manner and we’ve stayed friends with them, then maybe we need to let artists do their thing. Maybe I’m wrong here but I feel like we have always known about the shitty things artists did, the tortured artist or dickhead artist is a well-worn trope at this stage, but it’s only recently that we’ve started cancelling people for it. So maybe the answer isn’t protecting ourselves and the artist from knowledge about their shittiness, but being a bit more reasonable and compassionate when we hear about it. Idk.

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