Has James had a head injury?

If you watch videos of him as a kid-late teens he exhibits signs that would heavily suggest he is on the autistic spectrum. I'm a psychologist and, while nothing can be definitively drawn from videos alone, I would wager that he has difficulty handling social situations well..maybe Asperger's. I don't mean that in a nasty way obviously, I'm just saying you can tell he's not socially well adapted from the way he converses with others in his podcasts + his obsession with curated his own films from before he was even AVGN. No "normal" person writes an autobiography at age 19..journals sure.. but he said "autobiography".

Tldr; he didn't have head trauma, I just think he's on the autistic spectrum. Even though his content has been off for a while now, I would also bet that (like MANY other people) the social isolation as a result of covid lockdown 2 years ago has amplified these tendencies of his.

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