James Stephenson on Twitter: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you my highly decorated, richly celebrated, much anticipated, often imitated, never duplicated... #Tesla quarterly earnings estimate: Q4 Highlights 107K deliveries, $8.3B revenue, $0.5B earnings, $2.89/share

Well, the main sub is both much larger and much more diverse that this one. It's easy to pick out people who are very optimistic there, but also the main focus for most people isn't picking apart financials or debating every little thing. There's just a ton of people who like the cars and like talking about them.

And that's probably a good metaphor for the current stock price. There's not a monolithic group of people who think it should be $350ish. There's lots of different people with lots of different opinions between $0 and $2000. But the most important fact is that Tesla has been production constrained for essentially their entire life, they've been able to sell every car they could possibly make, and it seems like that will continue to be true for at least the next few quarters, and potentially longer? There's just a lot of people who like those cars.

/r/RealTesla Thread Parent Link - twitter.com