Jane Philpott did what many Canadians want politicians to do - and was turfed out of politics

My comment above, though, is based on the description of [deleted] and which continued in the following discussion of mnbhv and WitchofAeaea. Here's the original description of PR as they saw it (and note, there are many flavours of PR):

Instead of running as an independent, she and JWR could've created a new party which couldve gotten enough votes for at least two seats (possibly more) when the nationwide vote is totalled together.

If a form of proportional representation is chosen which allows this, then my dispute with it would hold true. I am similarly against some other forms of PR as well. Some flavours allow the party to choose representatives, in which case they are accountable to NO ONE but the party, which is particularly egregious in my opinion (I believe that one is MMP).

I am against any form which allows the party to choose who is elected, or allows people to be elected by folks who do not live in the riding.

Some forms of PR are absolutely fine.

I'd rather keep FPTP than allow parties to choose who gets elected by my vote.

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