Janet, USA on Twitter: "I use this for lobbying. Americans, Email [email protected] for copy http://t.co/XxdZYwxuCd"


2015-02-28 16:20:03 UTC

Germany backs Kurds with weapons > Kurds use to retake vast areas from ISIS. USA backs Iraqi Govt with lots of heavy weapons > ISF run away


2015-02-28 17:45:31 UTC

@mrgoldfink @_Median_ God bless Germany!! Politics here are changing. American hearts are for the Kurds!


2015-02-28 17:47:17 UTC

@JanetLevinson1 @_Median_ thank you for support. please lobby your govt/State Dept administration. It is shockingly overlooking us


2015-02-28 17:51:11 UTC

@mrgoldfink @_Median_ I have been lobbying, by email and personal visits to Senators and House Representative. Even letters to Obama lol.


2015-02-28 17:52:10 UTC

@JanetLevinson1 @_Median_ bravo! I take off my hat to you. how receptive are they? from what I've seen they refuse to see sense


2015-02-28 18:02:00 UTC

@mrgoldfink @_Median_ I use this for lobbying. Americans, Email [email protected] for copy pic.twitter.com [Imgur]

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