Janine Howard has to wear headphones walking down the street because of the abuse she gets

i know how this woman feels minus the facial problems. this country is full of dickhead starers, people who stare at others while holding a scrunched up bewildered look on their face. as someone who walks everywhere its my main annoyance. people in cars stare at you as they drive past, then you look back at them thinking ''caught u staring' and they just keep looking at you with a disgusted look on their face. probably thinking 'wtf is that young guy doin walkin down our stret... look at his clothes, look at his hair and acne, what a strange person.". people stare at you as you walk past them on the footpath, particularly older people, they stare right at your face with a disgusted look in their eyes when theyre walking toward you, you look at them and look away thinking they will also look away cause they got caught but you glance back and theyre still staring straight at your face. so fucking rude. i also lived in north belfast which has loads of these staring people. sometimes i just wanna grab then and ask them what the fuck theyre staring at and can they stop pulling such a disgusted look on their face when looking at me.

/r/northernireland Thread Link - bbc.co.uk