January 31 - February 3 Discussion Thread

Irrelevant/minor comment and I don’t even have my own tiktok, but my friend’s brother went “viral” on it. Guy is like 22 and a total rando and just happened to put out one vid that ppl liked. He got almost 70K likes on it.

CC’s entire tiktok profile has 74K likes. And tbh those seem like v easily achievable numbers. Even for my friends brother it seems like “low” for going viral considering how wild it is over there (Even when you don’t have an account, you can still view links and it seem like so many videos have hundreds of thousands of likes).

But like I said, idk 100% since I’m not on the app. It just seems like it’s much easier to get a ton of likes/views. It’s just funny how she really keeps believing she’s eLiTE when really everything she does is totally ho-hum

/r/SmolBeanSnark Thread