January 31 Daily Thread

A2S2 W2D3

  • 5x4 bench with 195 (last set @ 6)

  • 4x6 front squat with 200 (last set @ 5)

  • 3x8 neutral grip pull up

  • 3x10 neutral grip DB press with 35

Pretty good workout. Bench is feeling solid, I feel like I arch better with a belt on for whatever reason. Still need to fix my elbow position though, every set my first rep is fine but reps after that my elbows drift further and further back. Front squats were fine, I still suck at pull ups, DB press was too light.

Bodyweight has been hovering around mid-181s for the past two weeks, so I think that's about as far as my cut is going without any real effort. I want to make up some ground so I'll just stay here for now, then later I'll decide whether I want to cut down further.

/r/weightroom Thread