Japan: Drinking ban and curfew for US military in Okinawa after murder of local woman

You gave me a bunch of articles not statistics. If you don't have them it's OK to say that.

You asked me if this was really deja vu for Okinawa and I more than supported my claim that it is.

No...I didn't.

You really can't figure out why the drinking aspect is important in all this?

Again nowhere did I say this. Please stop claiming I said things I didn't say.

In all these incidents where alcohol is involved and you're mystified why they might curb the ability of marine's to drink?

I'm curious as to how social standing and who the person drank with mattered those are things you brought up. I understand perfectly that alcohol can be an issue that isn't at all what I questioned about what you said. My question was statistically if SOFA members (not US military bases elsewhere) were more prone to these behaviors than other local populations as I've now said many times.

You tried to exonerate the base by pointing out that he was no longer a marine when that does nothing to change the fact he was still apart of that base

Nope I didn't I tried to say he was a civi contractor no longer a marine and as such I don't understand targeting people who now wear the uniform based on this incident alone. If you can statistically make a case that these military personnel are more dangerous compared to other local populations go for it AS I SAID.

Examples aren't statistics and making assumptions based on limited datasets is something smart people don't do.

Is your argument really that rape and murder are a matter of social standing on base?

It seems I can lead a horse to water, but I can't make it drink. Done here.

It seems I can try to teach the donkey statistics but he's a donkey he hears what he wants to hear.

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - ibtimes.co.uk