‘Japan has to remember that it is not just importing workers, it is importing people who have hopes’

Well said! You’re right, annexing Korea, not Pearl Harbor, was the biggest mistake Japan made. We should’ve let Russia control the land. Of course there were many Japanese opposing the annexation of Korea. Anyway, it was the Koreans that asked Japan to protect them from Russia. You see, back then, China saw Japan as equal but look down on Korea. However, Korean, as usual, got triggered and demanded to be Japanese on their side. They truly have no sense of pride in their country but I don’t blame them, it’s embarrassing to be Koreans. When Koreans travel abroad they disguise as a Japanese to have better hospitality but we Japanese will never do that. Nowadays you see Zainichis (like Yakuza) disrupting peace in Japan. Of course there are some exceptions like SoftBank founder, Masayoshi Son... huge respect to that guy.

We will not make the same mistake. It is about time Japanese companies move away and cut ties with Korea.

/r/japan Thread Parent Link - japantimes.co.jp