Japanese exchange student learns of her new American high schools mascot, which is a bomber plane and a mushroom cloud signifying the nuclear bombings in Japan

As an American, I think this school using a mushroom cloud as a mascot is in poor taste... but that said I'm not sure if comparing 9/11 to Hiroshima and Nagasaki is really valid.

One was an act in a lawful war. A war in which we were provoked when the Japanese decided to perform a sneak attack on our naval base in Pearl Harbor. The other was a terrorist attack.

Yes, the targets were civilian in nature and I think that makes most rational people cringe. But the calculus was this: Drop some nukes, kill 100s of thousands of people... or invade. Fight an enemy who doesn't know the meaning of the word "surrender", who will fight to the last man, on unforgiving terrain, and lose millions of lives on both sides.

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