[Japanese > English] Someone Translate this IG Mini Cooper IG Post? Please and Thank you. :)

この映画ご存知ですか? 「私をスキーに連れてって」
セリカの 4WDカッコよかったな~
ユーミンの恋人はサンタクロースとブリザード テープに吹き込んでプレリュードで行きました(テープに吹き込んでが古い!!)
F60 MINIクロスオーバーCD 4WD (写真の車はスタッドレス仕様です)

This is MINI Midori Store.
Today, January 12th, is ski day.
Do you know this movie? Watashi wo ski ni tsuretette(Take me skiing).
I'm so nostalgic about it.
I'm sure many men were struck by the "Bang!" of Tomoyo Harada, the lead actress.
The Celica 4WD was so cool.
I recorded Yuming's "My Lover is Santa Claus" and "Blizzard" on tape and drove my Prelude there.(The way of saying "recorded on tape" makes me feel the times!)
So, if you're going skiing, this MINI is for you.
It allows you to take your loved ones skiing safely, securely, and comfortably.

Crossover is the Japanese name for Countryman.

/r/translator Thread Link - reddit.com