Japanese Porn Starterpack

I absolutely cannot stand Mineta for this reason. Like, I expect some amount of romance to happen for any given show, but I hate the pervy trope character trait in anime. I didn't like it in Naruto for Jiraya, and he's creeping on adults. I don't like it in video games either, especially if the game features a blatant "self insert and pick your favorite waifu." Just weirds me out, like I'm super aware of the fact that some (likely overworked) writer is preying on lonely people. Sexuality is probably a hard thing to write well, because at least in the States it's still a bit taboo to talk openly about. In Japan it feels like it's so much more reprrssed that it never leaves the high-school horny-crush stage in their media. I'm not claiming I know Japanese culture super well either, but that's my impression as a Westerner.

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