Japanese schoolgirl and salaryman get cozy on train ride home.

Plot twist: that's his younger girlfriend and they are at that stage of the relationship where he's already basically checked out but doesn't want to cause a scene or deal with the stress of breaking up. She's seen the writing on the wall, but also refuses to be the one to pull the trigger. They've been living like this for years. She says "you never give me affection like you used to," to which he responds "I just don't want anyone laying on me right now, okay? Don't I have that right as a human being?" She says "you don't love me anymore." He said "of course I do, I've been with you all this time. Why do you have to reduce my feelings toward you to a measure of contact area and personal space? Is sitting beside me not enough?" But he knows. She knows. They both know it's no longer true, even though both of them wish it were. Who knows how long they will continue like this before something finally precipitates a break up - probably in an explosive fashion - leaving them both distraught but ultimately relieved, feeling guilt only for the fact that neither of them came to terms with this sooner.

Fuck, man. This gif hits close to home.

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