Japanese women are breaking their silence about sexual abuse and harassment and joining the #MeToo movement

you aren't sharing an opinion, you just a said a bunch of condescending, rude, harassing, and misandrist shit and basically just told them to shut up. that's not an opinion, a conversation, or anything useful or constructive at all. your bullshit sophistry doesn't fly outside of your little social bubble.

seriously, no one with a brain is going to believe you're trying to share an opinion and not just trying to injure someone and shut them down when your entire reply is full of sarcasm, you say shit like "i'm ashamed [of you]". you're just a spiteful jerk saying nothing of substance and hurling insults, everyone can see that. your parents clearly failed in raising you since you seem incapable of any kind of normal human interaction, i'm actually very sorry for that.

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - asahi.com