Jared Leto says he feels like he was tricked into playing Joker in Suicide Squad

I understand that most actors are self entitled, untalented, overly protected, adult children, who never had any self awareness to begin with, but fuck me if Leto doesn't take it to the extreme.

Ironically he's basically begging (behind the scenes not publicly) to get the chance to play the Joker in Batfleck's stand alone Batman movie. Batfleck and Wonder Woman are the only saving graces of BvS. Wonder Woman's trailer was fucking great. And most everyone is confident that a Batfleck directed Batman movie is a sure thing. According is a far better director than actor, and he was awesome as Batman.

He simply wants to get the same reaction that Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger got when they played the part. Sorry Jared you just weren't good.

Also stop fucking complaining about your fucking screen time. Anthony Hopkins was in Silence of the Lambs for roughly 10 minutes. And he gave arguably the best portrayal of villain in film history. You had your chance, you made strange fucking choices with your portrayal, you went on for months about all the stupid childish "method acting" bullshit you pulled while on set, then you fucking slagged off the movie when it was released.

Seriously I saa an Interview, one of those soft entertainment reporting interviews, where Leto said "actually I haven't watched Suicide Squad". He was asked what he thought of the movie.

Simply put, fuck off.

/r/movies Thread Link - uk.movies.yahoo.com