Jason Linkins on Twitter: "sweet zombie Jesus there's to be a TAXPAYER FUNDED BAILOUT of the FUCKING INSURANCE INDUSTRY"

I've never seen a Republican "small government" policy that included cutbacks on subsidies to the Haves—just the Have-Nots ;-)

But as far as this particular idea goes… it seems to me that this tweet is misleading, at least for now (emphasis mine):

The sources say that the talks are in the early stages and that no specific policies have been decided on.

Any policies favorable to insurers could be politically treacherous for Republicans, given that they have railed for years against ObamaCare “bailouts” of insurance companies. It is also unclear if any policy changes would be enough to convince insurers to stay.

It is also possible that no provisions for insurers will end up being included in the repeal bill, making the political messaging simpler. Republicans could instead look to regulatory changes that the Trump administration could make that are favorable to insurers.

Like everything else over the next four years, we'll just have to watch this and see what actually happens—and then scream when necessary.

/r/WayOfTheBern Thread Parent Link - twitter.com