Jatt's comment on C9 Balls' KR Solo Queue Rank

What I find hilarious is like do people really expect any Western team aside from Fnatic to do well? Honestly, come on now, as much as I would love to see these guys show up it would be almost a blessing if more than two Western teams even made it out of groups. Why do people care so much?

It's sad that making it out of groups is considered a great achievement even. C9, TSM, CLG, H2K, and Origen have to know that even if they made it out of groups it would be unlikely to make it much further. I don't even understand why people were considered about group placements. I forget which team was talking about it, but basically they said they didn't want an easy group because sooner or later you have to go against the much better, skilled teams. Yes Balls have been under performing, but holy shit let's not forget about some of the other Western players that are going to get smashed. I hope to god TSM increased Dyrus' paycheck just for the beating he is going to receive in the top lane. While Santorin is farming his jungle there is going to be so much pressure from the other Junglers that Bjergson is going to wish he was back in NA Solo Queue. TSM's Bot lane...Riperoni.

Then there is H2K in their group.... enough said.

Hai is straight up going to have his jungle stolen from him, and I wouldn't be shocked if he was counter ganked constantly and punished for some of the brazen plays he makes. Balls will most likely suffer and I imagine the jungler will camp Sneaky like it's Korean Solo Queue, or his Ashe games in the Gauntlet. I am curious to see how Incarnati0n will hold up to foreign mids though. I know he has relied on Hai's pressure in the jungle in NA. but I don't really think Hai will be able to accomplish much, hopefully I am wrong though.

Even though I am an NA pleb, I am curious to see how Origen is going to do. I think Soaz offers a lot in the top lane, and I feel their bot lane is strong. It's already been beaten into us the good duo Mithy and Amazing are at roaming. So my concern would be Peke in the mid lane.

We already know and once again have been told that Fnatic typically have a weak early game, so depending how they perform early on, or their ability to come back from a deficit against better teams, they could struggle as well.

Listen I want the West to do well, and I am glad these teams are reaching for the stars, but praying you get an easy group when you would still have to face the harder teams seems like an inevitable death sentence either way. I see why Jatt said what he did, because it's accurate and a glaring blemish for the C9 roster, but honestly, even if Balls was performing relatively well, how far could C9 really go, honestly?

/r/leagueoflegends Thread