Why is javaScript one of the only popular languages that doesn't make sense to me but all other popular languages I can comprehend pretty well ?

First of all, stop using jquey, jquery has become obsolete ages ago, In my opinion, nowadays most of the information you get is through websites. And You access to websites using web browser. And every web browser in the world uses JavaScript engine to compile the JavaScript code into machine code. For example google uses V8, Mozilla uses spider monkey, MS IE or EDGE uses chakra(I think)and so on.

It’s a dominant language out there without question,

If you came from statically typed language then it’s a bit tricky but I wouldn’t say hard.

Just so you know JavaScript is a loosely typed language and you have to play around and keep an eye on scope. Otherwise it shares the same programming paradigm like others.

with its syntax, it uses es* version. You can also write In plain vanilla js, it will still compile.

What I would recommend learning is React or Angular or any JS libraries or frameworks out there. With that you will make project out of it and on the way you will also learn tricky sugar coated JS syntax.

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