I feel that this is probably due to our current systems not working properly as much we expected it to be for our species.
I believe that Capitalism isn't the best system for humans to work with. Considering that a lot of times, it tends to put the majority at a disadvantage but the super-rich which requires them to work for money, resulting them being generally less happy overall. Combined with the ever-increasing corruption in capitalism, it wouldn't be feasible for humans to have children and able to support them in long term considering that at some point, their employees will fuck them over and possibly end their lives as they know of. And it's already been well known that companies are already beginning to run government, in order to pull off their impossible feats for their hunger of money.
We need to really start on considering switching over to a new alternative system that benefits humans as a whole, not the exclusive group of humans who hoard it all for themselves. And try reposition ourselves as a one big colony, instead of mutiple smaller colonies who try to compete against to each other for survival. This would actually mean we'll need to forget the concept of money, considering that it's beginning to break down in it's early stages by abuse from the greedy/corrupt wealthy.
Automation and abolition of money is the key to actually saving Humans, since it'll easily alleviate most of our stresses, corruption and problems.