Jeff Zrebiec on Twitter: "As for Monroe, it appears that Ravens are moving on him from him, either via trade or release. Situation should be settled soon."

First off, go smoke, because you're getting a bit heated at a simple conversation.

You're again assuming that Monroe is asking for the NFL to look into allowing players to get medical marijuana licenses and put them to use. I'm not sure there's a player in the NFL that DOESN'T have some chronic pain that weed would help with. Hell, I was a college athlete and even I benefit from smoking when my back flairs up.

Point is, you put medical marijuana to use. Why should an employer tell someone with medical permission to use this particular drug (which isn't performance enhancing) that they aren't allowed to? Regardless of legality on the Federal level, why does the NFL need to enforce this rule in which the government handles. Monroe isn't asking the NFL to legalize weed, he's asking for them to not ban players for using it medically. Why should they ban players who use it under a MML? If you're employer adopted this stance tomorrow how would you feel? That's how Monroe feels, minus the immediacy of the hypothetical. It's extremely hypocritical for you to say NFL players can't use MM just because it's federally illegal, all whole admitting to someone else you use MM. It's also simplifying the stance of Monroe just by lumping him in with people who want to use it recreationally. Yes, I'm sure he's cool with that as we, but he's speaking on behalf of players that want to use it to relieve pain which comes from playing in the NFL. You're simplifying his stance by misrepresenting him and his motives into something a bit easier to stand again (hero derp legalize it bro).

Idk if you made it through that wall of text, but if you did more power to you brother.

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