Jennifer O’Connell: Is it time woke culture was cancelled? - Wokeism treats us all as though we emerged into the world with fully formed views

Not to sound like some old bastard but when I was growing up in rural Ireland we were the happiest lot about, we would joke about everything, take the piss and all that and then the moment I went to college I couldn't believe it, you couldn't say boo to people it's fucking cancer. Wokeism and other american culture needs to fuck off and fuck any of those college crowd who bring that shit in. If I see another 20 year old girl with a nose piercing say my "silence is deafening" over Yeman or something I'll crack. I know this is condescending as fuck as well but they are genuinely stupid people who have absolutely no idea how complex and nuanced situations/politics are/is. It breaks my heart when you see them go off ranting in their yank accent about fucking trans erasure in films or such other shite because God help us if they ever get into power.

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