Jeremy Corbyn: "wholesale" EU immigration has destroyed conditions for British workers

Its defiantly been used to destroy jobs, pay and conditions in my industry, this is what free movement of labour is for, this is why it is attached to a trade deal, and not the declaration of human rights or whatever.

As an Englishman living in Denmark this is incredibly worrying.

The free movement of young educated hipsters pales into insignificance compared to the wholesale exploitation of largely eastern European workers in this country, there are agencies employing vast numbers of workers directly from Eastern Europe, there are large corporations employing skilled people for low pay, without a single native born Brit in the department, because the immigrant often doesn't know their value, and often isn't a member of any professional body or union.

The difference is we on the left are to integrate, educate and unionise the migrant, but the policy of free movement of labour for most is pro business., and should be opposed.

Throwing around terms like "red kipper" is profoundly stupid and ignorant, the actual left has always opposed the concept of free movement of labour, going right back to Marx himself.

UKIP were right wing populists, risen at a time free market liberals had wholesale taken over the British left, so there was no sensible voice.

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