[JEREMY HUNT ] We can win a better deal for Britain – it's the only way the EU can save itself

I thought that this bit was very well written and seems to highlight some of the concerns of many people who voted leave:

But it is also crucial to understand the message given by the electorate last Thursday, however uncomfortable that may be. It is clear that the country has rejected the free movement of people as it currently operates. The political establishment – of all parties – has been punished for leading people up the garden path on immigration: for decades when people have said “there is too much immigration” we have said “we agree” and then appeared to do nothing. We have not addressed people’s economic concerns by being honest that growing economies do need immigration (unless we want to stagnate like low-immigration Japan). Nor have we addressed people’s identity concerns, often as much about the pace of immigration and the way it has changed communities so quickly, as about the principle itself.

The solution is to recognise that this is as much of a problem for other EU countries as us. The EU faces collapse unless they reform free movement rules. You simply cannot justify why the Danes or the Dutch should have to provide unlimited welfare rights to Syrians who were given passports not by their own government but by the Germans. That is why many European countries have serious problems with extreme Right parties – and why reforming the rules around free movement is as much in their interests as ours. So our plan must be to encourage them to reform those rules, thereby opening up a space for a “Norway plus” option for us – full access to the single market with a sensible compromise on free movement rules. As their biggest non-EU trading partner, it is in the European interest to do this deal with them as much as it is in our interests to secure it.

/r/unitedkingdom Thread Link - telegraph.co.uk