Was Jesus a great moral teacher:The end goal of atheism vs. Christianity and Christianity wins out in most logical of happening

Uh, but Lewis was raised Anglican and then became an atheist for quite some time. He had to go through reason and logic to get back to Christianity. You are currently in his position when he was an atheist. His statements in his book are coming from when he was searching and was an atheist.

If truly respect the guy, then wouldn't pick one thing you like about him over another like C.S. Lewis said. You shouldn't call him a teacher either if he came up with only 1 good thing that he said that wasn't very original. Does a good teacher only say one good thing but they also say many other good things. So sure, the loving part of him was good because that agrees who you and I are as descent citizens. However, if you're going to go with that then you should respect him when he says something like loving your enemies and forgive them. Do you get what I mean?

Well, I think we all want things. I think the vast majority of anti-theists want religion to disappear. I think where I was coming from is that the loud and more vocal atheists (activists) and anti-theists are the ones that I think of when they say that atheism will bring peace to the world. Saying that there is no God is still a claim. "I don't know" is the only thing that isn't a claim.

Sure! I get that...I think there quite a few atheists that aren't critical of religion and only when it imposes will on others and I completely get that and I would agree with you. However, a lot of times atheists do the same thing and they say that religion is horrible but then they act that way sometimes but in a worse way trying to beat out religious fanatics. If atheist is trying to show a "banner" the vocal ones haven't showed that while the leader of Christianity showed that.

So you believe that Jesus was real and it is almost universal that Jesus was crucified! So why would a "good teacher" die that death that was only meant for criminals or people against Roman Empire? There is nothing in our history like other uprisings - especially in the Judea area.

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