Jewish doctors and nurses took care of the Pittsburgh shooter

As well they absolutely should, without question or hesitation, without comment or judgement.

  1. We are all presumed innocent until decided in a court of law.

  2. In general (not this case, necessarily), what happens if a one-in-a-million chance they caught the wrong guy, or a mistake was made? What happened if the doctors had refused to act and the person died under their care because they refused?

  3. I can't imagine a doctor or nurse not having that internal conversation with themselves at one point or another...what happens if they bring in someone who killed my mother/brother/friend? Do I offer aid?

  4. It is a professional duty that transcends personal desires.

  5. Does the person get a day in court by a jury of his peers? Yes. Is the defense council guilty or a bad person for defending him to the best of his/her abilities? No, they have a strict duty, no true intelligent American would hold a defense attorney responsible, they do a great and necessary service.

On a personal note, if a doctor, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, atheist, or anything else didn't take care, I would think they were pretty horrible, or unprofessional at the least. That's just the way I feel, don't know if it is right or wrong. Plus, how is it any different if the doctors were Christian or Muslim? The murderer still killed a bunch of people, why does it matter if Jewish doctors took care of a murderer of a Jewish congregation, if you get my meaning? Why would a Christian doctor be any less disgusted? I mean, yeah, Jewish doctors and Jewish congregation, but I see the bigger picture is human doctors took care of a mass murderer of humans.

Again, just expressing my views.

And, thank you all doctors, so much, for spending vast amounts of money, time, sweat, and tears doing what you do. I want to express my gratitude of what I think is great - all the work that you do to be able to get to that point, for your ongoing personal education to stay abreast of technology that is rapidly changing the healthcare industry, probably SO difficult to stay on top of the firehouse.

I'll probably get downvoted to hell. Oh well.

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