Jill Stein looped into widening investigation of Russia and Trump Jr. connections

I strongly suggest reading this comment: http://np.reddit.com/r/EnoughTrumpSpam/comments/6nagcy/in_retrospect_this_is_fishy_the_new_yorker_why_is/dk81sxp

And there is this from Sam Wang in the NY Times: The pattern of polling errors provides a clue to why Mr. Trump’s victory came as a surprise. In states that Mr. Trump won, his actual margins against Mrs. Clinton were a median of six percentage points better than the last available polls.In contrast, in states won by Mrs. Clinton, the gap between polls and outcomes was 0.2 of a percentage point. Mr. Trump’s hidden strength in the states he won suggests that some fraction of Republican voters were struggling between party loyalty and difficulty with accepting Mr. Trump. In the end, their loyalty won out. Polling where Trump won was way off, and where Clinton won it was dead on!!!???!!!??? WTF??? Wang's "explanation" isn't plausible. Where Trump won, there was a gigantic last-minute six-point wave of Republicans moving to Trump, undetected by the pollsters -- and that wave was entirely absent in those states where Trump lost??? -- so the polls in those states were super-accurate? That's ridiculous, for two reasons: 1) Six point moves at the last minute don't happen This 538 article says Trump picked up a net 1.7 points in the last three weeks. In 2012, the shift was about 0.6%. The alleged 6-point swing is just too much: public opinion doesn't change that much, that late in an election. 2) When there is a last-minute move toward a candidate, it is a consistent move across states. To explain why the pollsters were dead on where Clinton won, and 6% off where she lost -- you have to have a gigantic change in public opinion only where Trump won. That doesn't happen. The big moves occur nationally, across all states. So what explains the bizarre inaccuracy of the polls where Trump won? Hmmm. The governments of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania (where the unexpected alleged surge toward Trump surprised everyone) are totally dominated by Republicans. They could have done it, adding up the votes wrong. Recall that the Republicans successfully resisted calls for recounts in those states. Were they hiding something? Or it could be Russian hackers. Or BOTH. Why [wa]s Donald Trump in Michigan and Wisconsin? Because he knew the fix was in, and was trying to make it plausible. TL;DR: There is no explanation for the polls be off by 6% were Trump won, and off by only 0.2% where he lost -- except stealing the election by someone!

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - thehill.com