Jim Gaffigan: Disagree with Someone? Calling Them a Moron Won't Help

I feel like he's missing a part of why people dislike Trump. It's not cause he's 'an idiot' or 'he's crazy.' It's because he enforces a lot of hateful commentary that feels very outside the norm of normal discourse.

For example, Bush was very anti-immigration and talked of putting up a fence as well, but he didn't go about calling the people on the other side of the wall a bunch of rapist criminals. That's targeting someone and putting a hate-filled light on them that they didn't want, and that a normal disagreement wouldn't apply. When Bush talked about his fence, I feel like Gaffigan's advice would apply. "Oh, well that's a little extreme. I don't think that's how you solve the Immigration problem."

When Trump says, "The Rapists are coming to get you." He's already taken it to a place where you can't just say, "Oh, I disagree."

When I see people who are talking about unfollowing Trump supporters, it isn't because they 'disagree' with what he's saying. It's because a majority of them are women who are afraid that him and his people are encouraging sexual assault, a FUCKING CRIME. This is different from a guy being like, "The world is too PC!" This is a man who have people defending sexual assault as if it's a normal thing. It is completely past the realm of normal political banter, because you are now in a moral argument. If a man came up to you and said, "Oh, I think rape is ok." You wouldn't be like, "Hm, I disagree." You'd be shocked and horrified. There's no differing of opinion here... It has gone to a point beyond that.

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