Jim Zub on how the Marvel Universe changes over time: "Acknowledge that not every title needs to fit your personal sensibilities in order to be 'worthy.' Variety is an important part of the search for quality. "

Welcome to being a public figure Mr. President

oh right I forgot that writers were public servants. Oh wait... They're not...? Oh yeah they're not. They're writers. They're creatives. That brings criticism, yes, but it doesn't mean abuse. They're not punching bags, they're people who are doing their jobs, and acting like it's ok to insult them is immature.

They are compeletly unprosecutable "Your honor the defendant sent this tweet after the limit on insults had been reached though we can't be sure if he knew that"

alright, I'll go over this again. Any single individual tweet is not the problem. It's all of them at once. I said this in my original comment. I at no point said that people should be prosecuted for it, and they shouldn't be. It's still harmful. This is why people are talking about it, because it's harmful to these people who don't deserve or ask for it. This is why it is being discussed. It's not a crime, it's a systemic problem that needs fixing.

You mean it's not as vital as breathing? Impossible!

I'm not a writer, I don't have to be. And you can argue "oh it's actually bad for them" but it's not. In this age of so much content, people need social media to build their audiences.

As For the last sentence A comic writer recently said that he considers getting more than one bad review harassment

One guy said one thing? Well obviously he speaks for everyone.

/r/comicbooks Thread Parent Link - jimzub.tumblr.com