Jimmy Kimmel Asks - Do You Have a Black Friend?

So this has been your argument:

But I think the major difference is that white people got the slaves cuse they were black, black people had slaves because they were slaves....

When in reality white people got the slaves cause they slaves.

Sure people can say that black people are more racist than white people now, but hell, that's a stereotype. I just think that there were a helluva lot of white people that had black slaves and treated them like shit because they were black.

Here you are just stereotyping all slave owners as abusive handlers when this is simply not the case. Not only that but these captured slaves would have still be subjected to slavery, in possible worse conditions, had they stayed in Africa.

I didn't say they got them because they were black. The prejudice developed because the only black people in the US were slaves.

But yes you didsay that got them only cause they are black. Look again at you first argument. You're performing mental gymnastics to keep your very limited world view. Again the prejudice developed simply because they were slaves, not because they were black

It doesn't matter what came first, there was prejudice regardless.

In this context, yes, it does matter. It explains the racial tensions in America now. Did you know, that Lincoln actually wanted to gather up and ship back all the freed Africans in the states and ship them back to their mother country? He felt it was in the best interest not only of Americans but in the freed slaves as well. Imagine what kind of country America would be if that had happened. I doubt there'd be so much racial tension and social strife thats for sure.

I just think that there's some[prejudice] worse than others.

Say I agree with you, then wouldn't it be better to just be separated so as not to have to deal with prejudice. Or is it better to force people to become multicultural despite it breeding prejudice?

Please. Open your eyes and mind to the world around you and see it for its true colors. Don't hate yourself white man. Blaming your race for the actions of a few in the distant past is no way to live.



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