Jindai Island Part 2: Raid on the Island Whale!

Nialla was already grabbing the three sections of her weapon dangling at her waist when Alex told her what she wanted her to do. She looked over at the tall man who was tasked to fight alongside her. He looked intimidating and reliable in a fight, and she felt confident in their chances. She turned back to Alex and nodded in agreement, and begun constructing her weapon. She couldn't let this whale and the people who depended on it come to harm, there were many precious new beginnings that were born here for her.

Taking the middle and bottom sections of her weapon, she placed two ends together and twisted them, locking them in place. Small gears whirred to life as the internal components connected to each other. Obviously sensing that they didn't want Nialla to complete her weapon, one of the green goons rushed at her, mace raised and ready to come crashing down. Surprised by his speed, Nialla only just managed to dodge out of the way of his blow. Dodging quickly to the side and tumbling through the sand, she managed to right herself into a crouched position just before his next attack came down. Quickly, she raised the combined parts above her as the blow was about to connect, stopping it just above her head.

'Ohhhh 'kay thatwasalittletooclose,' Nialla thought to herself, the force of the blow sending shocks of pain down her arms. The weight of the man's attack was incredible compared to hers, and they both knew it. The man chuckled to himself and turned his head back to companions shouting out, "Heh, leave this small-fry to me!"

That was all the distraction she needed. Shifting her body to the left and adjusting her staff downwards to the right, the mace slid down the length, planting firmly in the ground causing a burst of sand to shoot up around the impact. Caught off-balance at the sudden shift, the man stumbled forward. Seizing the opportunity, Nialla jumped up, and using the man as a spring board, planted both feet in his face before jumping backwards, placing distance between the two. Nialla was already completing her weapon before the man looked up, rage in his eyes as they locked on her. Twisting the top component of her weapon into place, Nialla levelled the tip of her spear at the Green Goon, smirking confidently as a show of bravado. Her arms were still sore from the impact of the attack earlier, and holding the spear aloft in one hand like this was a bit of a struggle, but he didn't need to know that did he?

/r/StrawHatRPG Thread Parent