Jiro, Dreams of Sushi (2011) - This movie is good for anyone who loves food, travel, and culture, and is also a great reminder of the power of craft. [1:22:29]

I watched this a while back, and found it pretty boring as well. If you're bored the first 15 minutes, you'll probably not enjoy watching the rest. I can understand how some people find it beautiful, since it's a simply story about one man being devoted to his craft and I did think it was kind of cool because of that, but the two hours were way too long for me and felt like it could have been condensed into 10 or so minutes. From the premise and how highly rated it is by so many people (one of the main reasons I watched it, alongside the fact it's about/related to Japan; I've watched a lot of documentaries pertaining to Japan because I enjoy them), I figured it'd be amazing, but it wasn't that great to me. Maybe because it was just about sushi-making—something like katana-making would probably have been a lot funner. I've watched a ton of documentaries (I love them like you; seen almost all of the ones on PBS Frontline, for instance), and this was one of the least enjoyable for me, although the footage was really clean and beautiful.

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